Saturday, August 24, 2013

Steamed Ginger Tilapia

Forget about one hit wonders.  Let's talk about one pot wonders.  

No matter your lifestyle, we could all use more hours in the day.  Although a one pot meal won't add extra time to your day, it will reallocate time from cooking and cleaning to use as you choose...a quick workout, more conversation with your spouse, a little extra play time with the kid... You get my drift?   

Let me give you a visual.



1 cup quinoa
16 oz frozen broccoli (prefably organic)
4 pieces of tilapia
2 tablespoon soy sauce
1 tablespoon toasted sesame oil
2 teaspoons ginger

For this one pot recipe, you will need a double boiler with a steamer insert.

Start preparing quinoa by adding 1 and 3/4 cup water to a sauce pan.  When the water enters a rolling boil, add 1 cup of quinoa.  (I buy pre-rinsed quinoa.  If you do not, soak, drain and rinse prior to this step.)  Cover the saucepan, turn off the heat and let the sauce pan sit for at least 30 minutes.  During this time, do not uncover or remove from the cook top.  Just go live your life and forget all about it for awhile. 

Side note: Normally, I recommend flavoring the quinoa or at least salting. In this recipe, I find mixing the fish and broccoli sitting atop the quinoa flavors it sufficiently.  

After 30 minutes, uncover and fluff quinoa with a fork. 

Now, remove the quinoa from the sauce pan, placing in a container for use in the near future.  
Quickly rinse out the sauce pan and fill with frozen broccoli, adding water until it just covers the broccoli.  Bring the water to a steady boil.  Let the broccoli cook for 3-5 minutes.   

Place the steamer insert on top and lightly spray with cooking oil.  Align tilapia in the steamer and coat with soy sauce, sesame seed oil and ginger.  

Cover and let steam for about 5 minutes.  When done, remove the tilapia and drain the broccoli. 

To serve, place a generous scoop of quinoa onto a plate and top with one piece of tilapia, adding the drained broccoli to the sides.  

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